25 February 2023

RCM B – Security as Standard

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High-quality chargers have many advantages over charging an electric car with a cable from a socket.

These are, among others, safety solutions and one of these safety solutions is residual current protection equipment.


Residual current devices (RCD) type A (for alternating current) and type B (for direct current) and the residual current leakage monitor (RCM) type B are designed to protect people from electric shock when touching them, both directly and indirectly. Their use gives you a sense of security – neither you, your family, nor your equipment will be exposed to electric shock or damage. Such an accident may occur, among others while charging an electric car.


At Enelion Lumina, a residual current leakage monitor that protects against electric shock is installed as standard.


More professionally, a residual current device is an electrical protection device that is designed to break a circuit when it detects that the electric current flowing away is not equal to the incoming current. Any imbalance means that somewhere in the installation the current has flowed in an uncontrolled way, for example to the ground by someone who touched the wire.


In accordance with the PN-EN IEC 61851-1 standard, each charging point must be protected by overcurrent and residual current circuit breakers type A + B. The use of a type B residual current leakage monitor inside the station facilitates the meeting of this requirement by adding only overcurrent protection and a type A residual current circuit breaker. This reduces the cost of installation and allows the safe use of the charging device with a plug-in car.


The use of such a solution is an integrated and future-proof solution to the problem of leakage current control in chargers, which enables the meeting of global standards requirements.

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